Kabupaten Lombok Barat

Roadshow HKG-PKK KB-Kes Hj. Nanik: Fungsi Keluarga yang Utama

Giri Menang – Ketua Tim Penggerak Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (TP-PKK) Kabupaten Lombok Barat (Lobar) yang juga istri bupati, Hj. Nanik Suryatiningsih Zaini Arony, menyampaikan pentingnya fungsi keluarga. Hal itu disampaikan saat memberi laporan pada acara roadshow Hari Kesatuan Gerak- PKK (HKG-PKK) yang bekerjasama dengan BKKBN dan Dinas Kesehatan di Desa Suranadi Kamis (21/2) kemarin. Hj. Nanik mengatakan, untuk mencapai kesejahteraan maka yang diperlukan adalah bagaimana menggerakkan segenap potensi yang ada, menggerakkan kelompok-kelompok PKK yang ada serta kelurga.

“Dan fungsi keluarga adalah yang utama,” ujar Hj. Nanik di hadapan ratusan undangan yang hadir. Untuk itu, wanita murah senyum dan bersuara merdu ini lebih lanjut mengatakan, agar melalui PKK terus berusaha meningkatkan SDM keluarga terutama para ibu.

Guna memeriahkan HKG-PKK KB-Kes, Hj. Nanik menyebut sejumlah kegiatan dan lomba yang yang telah dilaksanakan PKK di antaranya sunatan massal, melayani akseptor Keluarga Berencana (KB), lomba UP2PKK, lomba administrasi PKK, Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS), dll.

Dikatakan Hj. Nanik, Lobar telah meraih sejumlah prestasi baik di tingkat provinsi dan nasional seperti juara I nasional lomba Bina Kelurga Balita (BKB), administrasi PKK, PHBS dan Kecamatan Sayang Ibu (KSI)- juara I provinsi. Selain itu, pelayanan akseptor KB, menurut Hj. Nanik meningkat serta disesuaikan dengan momen yang ada. “Dalam Bulan Januari saja ada 1.925 akseptor sehingga total akseptor sebanyak 18.933 (84,24%) dari target 22. 475 akseptor.

Sementara itu, Bupati Zaini saat memberi sambutan menyampaikan esensi dan substansi dari PKK adalah bagaimana memberdayakan keluarga. “ Sejatinya pembentukan karakter bermula dari keluarga, kalau dalam keluarga gagal maka di sekolah pun akan gagal,” kata Zaini.

Bahkan dikatakan Zaini, membangun bangsa pun harus melalui keluarga. “ Bila ingin membangun bangsa maka kuncinya di keluarga,” ucap Ketua DPD Partai Golkar NTB ini. PKK, disebutkan Zaini, memiliki visi dan misi berupa kependidikan, edukasi, sosialisasi, kesehatan, lingkungan bahkan koperasi.

“Dulu PKK adalah singkatan dari Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga, itu maknanya pendidikan sangat penting,” ujarnya. Bahkan Zaini memuji para pembuat PKK dulu. “Betapa hebatnya yang membuat PKK dulu, itu zaman Orba (Orde Baru, red) tapi yang baik dilanjutkan,” pesan Ketua HKTI NTB ini.

Menyinggung PHBS yang menjadi salah satu kegiatan PKK, bupati menyampaikan memang esensi dari kesehatan adalah bagaimana menjaga PHBS. “Tidak ada orang produktif yang sakit-sakitan,” ucap mantan Kadis Dikpora NTB tersebut.

Bupati Sanjung PKK

Pada kesempatan itu bupati memuji PKK dengan segala kegiatan positif yang telah dilakukan. “Kalau PKK berhasil di sebuah kabupaten, maka sebagian tugas bupati sudah berhasil,” puji Zaini.

Pada bagian lain Wakil Ketua TP PKK NTB, Hj. Elok Badrul Munir, memuji PKK Lobar yang selalu turun ke lapangan. “Semua kegiatan Ibu PKK (Hj. Nanik, red) top banget,” sanjung Hj. Elok.

Hadir Ibu Wabup, Hj. Indah Mahrip, Istri Sekda, Hj. Alwani Uzair, H. Asmuni, Kabid Admin BKKBN, sejumlah kepala SKPD, dan sejumlah undangan lainnya. Pada bagian akhir adalah pemberian sumbangan kepada sejumlah kelompok senilai Rp 995 juta serta sosialisasi KB. (Muhammad Busyairi dan tim Humas)

Roadshow HKG-PKK KB-Kes

Hj. Nanik:

Hj. Nanik: Family is the Primary Function

Giri Menang – The Leader of Mover Team Family Welfare Empowerment (TP-PKK) West Lombok (Lobar), Hj. Nanik Suryatiningsih Arony Zaini, said the importance of family functions. It was mentioned when giving a report on the event roadshow Unity Day Motion-PKK (HKG-PKK) in cooperation with the BKKBN and Public Health at the Village Suranadi Thursday (21/2) yesterday. Hj. Nanik said what needed to prosper was to move all the existing potential, moving the PKK groups that exist and also family.

“And the family is the primary function,” said Hj. Nanik in front of hundreds of invitations were present. For that, her smile and melodious voice further said that through the PKK continues to improve human family, especially his mother.

To enliven HKG-PKK KB-Kes, Hj. Nanik mentioned a number of activities and competitions that have been carried out mass circumcision among the PKK, serving acceptors of family planning (KB), UP2PKK, PKK administration, Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBS), etc..

It said Hj. Nanik, Lobar has gained a number of achievements at the provincial and national level such as the winner of the national contest Toddler Family Zone (BKB), the administration of the PKK, PHBS and District Loving Mother (KSI/Kecamatan sayang Ibu) – winner of the province.

In addition, the services of family planning acceptors, according to Hj. Nanik improved and adapted to the given moment. “In 1925 alone there in January so that the total acceptor acceptor as 18 933 (84.24%) of the target 22. 475 acceptors,” she said.

Meanwhile, Regent Zaini while giving a speech conveyed the essence and substance of the PKK is to empower families. “Indeed the formation of character stems from the family, if the family fails it will fail in school,” said Zaini.

Even Zaini said, building the nation had to go through the family. “If you want to build a nation the key is in the family,” said Chairman of the Council of NTB’s Golkar Party. PKK, Zaini mentioned, had the vision and mission in the form of education, socialization, health, the environment and even cooperative.

“Once is an acronym PKK Education of Family Welfare, it means education is very important,” he said. Even Zaini praised the founders of PKK. “How great are they that make the PKK first, that was in New Order Era (Orba) but a good think must be continued,” said the HKTI Chairman of NTB’s.

Alluding PHBS who became one of the activities of the PKK, regent conveyed the essence of health is how to keep the PHBS. “No one sickly productive,” said the former head of the NTB Dikpora.

Regents praised PKK

On that occasion regent praised PKK with all the positive activities that have been performed. “If the PKK success in a regency, then the regent has done some of the tasks successfully,” said Zaini.

On the other occasion Vice-Chairman of NTB PKK, Hj. Elok Badrul Munir, praised PKK Lobar that always down to the field. “All the Ibu PKK activities (Hj. Nanik, red) are really top,” flattered Hj. Elok

Present the wife of Wabup, Hj. Indah Mahrip, Wife o Regional f Secretary, Hj. Alwani Uzair, H. Asmuni, Head Admin of BKKBN, some SKPD head, and a number of other invitations. At the end is donation to a group worth IDR 995 million and socialization KB. (Muhammad Busyairi and PR team)